Top San Diego Dermatologist, Dr. Moncia Boen, Answers Questions on Sunspots, Stretch Marks, and Natural Skincare

During a recent webinar, cosmetic dermatologist Monica Boen, MD answered some of the following dermatologic questions. Do eye creams really work? The skin under your eyes is very delicate and thin, and it is prone to a lot of motion and direct UV light and that is why it is one of the first places

Skincare Tips For Winter

Even though the winter time has a few perks for those of us who enjoy a break from the hot southern California summers, dropping temperatures definitely don’t make it easy for us to maintain nourished skin. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, our world-renowned dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons want to share a few helpful

Enhancing Your Natural Beauty with Ablative Laser Resurfacing

Beauty enhancements through dermatology and plastic surgery are the primary way men and women seek to combat signs of aging and other skin conditions. With advancements in technology and medical procedures, countless options are available for those looking to enhance their natural beauty. One option is ablative laser resurfacing. Understanding Ablative Laser Resurfacing: Procedure and

Ablative Laser Resurfacing vs. Non-Ablative Laser Treatments: Choosing the Right Option for You

Although both ablative and non-ablative laser treatments are effective tools for skin rejuvenation, they work differently to address skin concerns. You must know how each treatment works before making a commitment to one laser to achieve the results you desire. Here’s a quick guide showcasing ablative vs. non-ablative laser treatments: Understanding Ablative and Non-Ablative Laser

Understanding the Benefits of Fractional Resurfacing for Acne Scars

Advancements in laser fractional resurfacing have made acne scar improvement more effective with its ability to treat scars without damaging surrounding skin and tissue. This procedure has become a top choice for patients looking to reduce the appearance of unsightly acne scarring with minimal discomfort and downtime.  How Does Fractional Resurfacing Treat Acne Scars? As

What to Expect Before, During, and After IPL Photofacial Treatment

Sun exposure, age, and other skin conditions, such as rosacea or spider veins, produce skin discoloration that may be challenging to treat with standard over-the-counter remedies. IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial treatment is a safe, non-invasive cosmetic procedure used to treat common skin conditions, providing a rejuvenated appearance and removing sun spots. The procedure is

Non-Ablative Laser Resurfacing for Sun Damage: How It Can Help Repair Your Skin

Sun exposure can damage the skin and cause premature signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sunspots, and hyperpigmentation. To repair sun damage, many patients turn to non-surgical procedures like non-ablative laser resurfacing to rejuvenate the skin with minimal downtime.  How Non-Ablative Laser Resurfacing Works to Repair Sun-Damaged Skin Non-ablative laser resurfacing works by creating heat

Fractional Resurfacing for Hyperpigmentation: A Solution for Uneven Skin Tone

Sun damage and the aging process can have lasting effects on the skin, like hyperpigmentation, which often requires professional treatments. There are solutions available that can help repair some of the damage. Fractional resurfacing is a safe and effective way to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of brown spots and fine lines. This

How Often Can I Get Radiofrequency Skin Tightening?

Radiofrequency skin tightening is a safe and effective facial and body treatment. While it may be a non-surgical approach to skin rejuvenation and body sculpting, the results can be long-lasting, so you don’t typically need frequent sessions to maintain its benefits. Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, CA, offers the most effective non-invasive RF skin

Deep Facial Wrinkles: What to Know

While lines and deep wrinkles are a natural part of aging, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego makes them optional. We offer a wide variety of lasers that allow our board-certified dermatologists to tailor personalized treatments for every patient looking to improve the appearance of their deep facial wrinkles. What Are Deep Facial Wrinkles, and

Reshape & Tighten Your Neck With ThermiSculpt
In this webinar, Dr. Groff will educate you on how the experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology can provide life-changing results without surgery through ThermiSculpt.

Speaker: Dr. William F. Groff
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST

Register here.