Showing blog posts from category: Neck/Chest

Get Rid of a Double Chin with These 7 Solutions From Our Experts
Struggling with a double chin can be challenging, especially when it stubbornly persists despite a healthy lifestyle. Understanding how to effectively reduce your double chin is key to achieving a more defined jawline and an overall balanced facial appearance. Fortunately, the board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego offer a variety of cosmetic

What to Expect Before, During, and After IPL Photofacial Treatment
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial treatment has become a go-to solution for various skin concerns, from sun damage to rosacea. Understanding what to expect before and after IPL treatment can help you prepare and get the most out of your experience. This guide will walk you through the entire process. Before Your IPL Treatment Preparation

Don’t Let Your Body Give Away Your Age
While many of us focus on keeping our face youthful and vibrant, we don’t always give the same attention to other areas of the body. The result can be a mismatched appearance, with a face that looks much younger than other problem areas like the chest, arms, and buttocks. Fortunately there are nonsurgical treatments available

Tighten Your Neck This “Neckvember”
Holiday parties and reunions—whether in person or on your screen—might bring you eye-to-eye with co-workers and friends you haven’t seen for some time. This may trigger a more critical inspection of your skin and appearance. Are you seeing more rolls and wrinkles forming under your chin than were there last year? Is your neck skin

Chest Wrinkle Treatment with Sculptra and Radiesse
At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, we discuss wrinkles every day. If you’re like most of our patients, you worry about how wrinkles are affecting your appearance and what you can do about it. Wrinkles can develop anywhere, yet it seems that the focus is always on facial wrinkles. However, wrinkles that form on the upper chest

New Year, New Neck
With so much focus on the face, it’s common for people to neglect their neck and chest – but in fact, the neck and chest region is one of the biggest “tell” signs of age. Skin laxity and sun damage can become very apparent and visible in this area, and if the face has been

LaserLift Is Revolutionizing Neck Skin Care – Find Out How!
Sometimes, you’re so focused on taking care of your face and reducing the effects of facial aging that you neglect to dedicate the same type of effort to your neck. You’re not alone in this, but a beautifully sculpted neck is one of the most alluring features on your body. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San