Temperatures rise quickly here in San Diego, and shorts season is practically year-round. Are you ready to bare your legs, or do you wish winter would last longer so you can keep hiding your varicose and spider veins?


Sclerotherapy for leg veins by Dr. Groff. Treatment eliminates the bulging, visible veins on the calf.Here at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, we can help you get rid of your unwanted veins for good, so you never have to worry about baring your legs again – or any other part of the body! We can also help eliminate unwanted veins on the face, hands, or chest. We have multiple options for eliminating spider and varicose veins, including sclerotherapy, laser vein treatment, VenaSeal, CTEV, and even phlebectomy for particularly large varicose veins.


Sclerotherapy is generally considered the gold standard for eliminating unwanted varicose and spider veins. Using our expert anatomical knowledge, we can pinpoint the root vein from which the problematic veins arise, and with a few strategic injections of an FDA approved sclerosing agent, we can make your veins disappear!

You’ll have to wear a compression garment for a week or so to make sure the veins don’t regrow, so it’s a good idea to have a sclerotherapy treatment during winter or spring before it gets too hot for multiple layers of clothing.

To learn more about sclerotherapy, visit ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Schedule a Consultation Today

Our San Diego dermatologists utilize sclerotherapy to help treat varicose and spider veins! Contact us today to set up a consultation and find out how you can find a solution.

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Tuesday, January 21st at 5:30pm

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*Treatment must be completed by end of March 2025. Skincare basket will be provided upon completion of treatment. Must be a new patient to the practice or an existing patient of Dr. Groff. Terms & conditions may apply.