Q: How can I treat hyperpigmentation resulting from a Fraxel treatment?
I had Fraxel on my neck and chest several years ago and now have hyperpigmentation that has only gotten worse through the years. Unfortunately, the doctor stopped in the middle of my neck so I have the ‘old’ light skin right below my chin to the middle of my neck (which looks soooo much better, smooth and no pores.) and the ‘new’ fraxel skin (chicken skin, raised pores, darkened) from my mid-neck down. Is there any way this can be repaired?
Dr. Mitchel Goldman’s Expert Answer
In order to provide accurate advice on what treatment is best, you need to be seen in the office. However, an intense pulsed light treatment should be able to improve the hyperpigmentation and irregularity in your skin color.
Next, learn about The Difference Between Laser Treatments and Chemical Peels.