Showing blog posts from category: laser treatments

Is Aging A Disease?

December 20th, 2019

Growing old –whether measured in lines and wrinkles, the number of gray hairs on your head, or by the severity of any disease you may have –is a natural part of life, correct? Not quite. A growing number of researchers are questioning our basic concept of aging. Some experts believe that aging should not be

- Anti-Aging
December 20th, 2019

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Inner Circle Referral Program

Get $100 Off* Botox or Dysport for You and Your Friend

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Lift & Tighten Sagging Skin Without Surgery

Feb 11th at 5:30pm

Register Here


First 3 attendees to book will receive 10% off their treatment + a complimentary skincare basket*

 *Treatment must be completed by end of April 2025. Skincare basket will be provided upon completion of treatment. Must be a new patient to the practice or an existing patient of Dr. Butterwick. Terms & conditions may apply.