Showing blog posts from category: Xeomin

Relax, Restore, Resurface

June 5th, 2018

As the science of cosmetic dermatology advances, more dermatologists are turning to combination treatments to provide the absolute best results possible for their patients. We know that different types of wrinkle treatments are better for different skin issues, so by combining them, we can create beautiful, comprehensive results that a single treatment alone could not

- Botox/Neuromodulators - Dermal Fillers - Fine Lines & Wrinkles - Injectables - Laser
June 5th, 2018

When is “Early” Too Early to Start Anti-Aging

June 5th, 2018

One of the most common questions I get from patients is when they should start doing preventative procedures. People worry about starting too soon or too late, but the reality is that we start aging the moment we’re born. Even babies should be protected from UV damage with protective clothing, hats, and mineral-based sunblocks. Teenagers

- Aesthetics - Botox/Neuromodulators - Injectables
June 5th, 2018

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