What Is Radiofrequency Skin Tightening?

Radiofrequency skin tightening is an effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin without surgery. It uses radiofrequency energy to heat the underlying skin layers and stimulate collagen production, resulting in firmer, smoother skin. What Is Radiofrequency Skin Tightening, and What Are its Benefits? Radiofrequency skin tightening utilizes a device that emits

How Does RF Skin Tightening Work?

Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening is an effective method for addressing loose skin on the face and neck. It utilizes radiofrequency technology to heat the deep dermal tissue and stimulate the body’s natural healing process to reduce sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. What Is RF Skin Tightening and How Does It Work? RF skin tightening

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction: What’s the Difference?

CoolSculpting® Elite and liposuction are two of the most popular cosmetic treatments for reducing excess fat. Both treatments have proven successful in fat removal but there are distinct differences between the two. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure designed to freeze stubborn fat cells. In contrast, liposuction is a surgical procedure that suctions fat deposits out

What Is ThermiTight and How Can It Help With Skin Tightening?

ThermiTight is a minimally-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to promote collagen production. The device offers maximum skin tightening benefits in a single treatment. What Is ThermiTight and What Are the Benefits? ThermiTight is a skin tightening procedure that delivers controlled radiofrequency energy into the deep tissues via a probe. The RF energy stimulates the

Common Body Contouring Treatment Areas

Body contouring is the process of modifying a person’s body to improve the body contours, shape, and proportion in areas such as:  It is ideal for patients that have trouble losing stubborn fat pockets with traditional weight loss methods like diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Body sculpting treatments can include surgical or non-invasive procedures

Non-invasive Skin Tightening Treatments: What to Know

Skin naturally begins to sag due to factors like gravity, genetics, and aging. Skin laxity is caused by depleting collagen and elastic fiber production as well as muscle atrophy and loss of fat which will create deep wrinkles as the skin is pulled downward. Sagging skin often makes patients appear tired and aged, but there

The Pros and Cons of Body Sculpting

Clean eating and regular exercise are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, even the strictest diets and fitness regimens aren’t always enough to achieve sculpted abs or toned thighs and arms. When stubborn fat pockets persist, minimally invasive body sculpting procedures can help women and men attain their goals without going under the knife.

How Can I Tighten My Skin?

When you look in the mirror and see sagging skin, do you wonder if there is an effective skin tightening procedure to address the problem? Maybe you are considering a non-invasive or minimally-invasive treatment that addresses early jowl formation along the jawline, or reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the nose and

How to Treat Your Double Chin

Many individuals struggle with the frustration of a double chin, often finding it challenging to achieve a defined jawline despite their best efforts. If you’re searching for ways to eliminate stubborn submental fullness, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology offers a range of advanced solutions tailored to your unique needs. Why Do I Have a Double Chin? Several

Get Your Body Ready for Spring with Our Proprietary Cool³

Spring and summer are right around the corner—it’s not too soon to start thinking about preparing your body for warmer weather. You can display your newly sculpted body in a few short months with Cosmetic Laser Dermatology’s proprietary procedure to address common problem areas that often don’t respond effectively to diet and exercise alone. Cosmetic

Reshape & Tighten Your Neck With ThermiSculpt
In this webinar, Dr. Groff will educate you on how the experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology can provide life-changing results without surgery through ThermiSculpt.

Speaker: Dr. William F. Groff
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST

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