Which Fraxel Laser Is Right For Me? Comparing Fraxel Lasers

 Fraxel lasers, or fractional resurfacing lasers, use microscopic light beams to generate micro-injuries on the skin. This process triggers the skin’s healing process – layer by layer, older and damaged skin is naturally replaced by fresh and healthy skin cells. There are three types of Fraxel laser treatments: Fraxel Re:pair, Fraxel Re:store, and Fraxel Dual,

How To Treat Rhinophyma

Rhinophyma is a progressive skin condition that causes the nose to swell, giving it a red and large bulbous appearance. Also referred to as rosacea nose, whiskey nose, rum nose, and bulbous nose, rhinophyma can occur in those with rosacea, a common chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes facial redness on the nose and cheeks

My Everyday Sunscreens

Patients often ask, “What’s the best sunscreen?” My most common reply is “The one you’ll use every day!”. There are a gazillion sunscreens on the market, but the best sunscreen for you is the one you’ll use consistently. It’s important to find a sunscreen that feels great on your skin while being convenient to use.

Your Skin. Refresh It. Love It. Protect It.

As the body’s largest organ and the first line of defense against the outside world, the skin is constantly exposed to a number of environmental irritants and stressors, from overexposure to the sun right down to how much sleep we get and food and drinks that we consume. Throw in genetic and hereditary factors, and

Why More Men are Choosing to Have Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic dermatology procedures have long been thought to be mainly the domain of women. While women still make up the majority, the number of men having cosmetic procedures has been rising steadily over the past few years. According to the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, in 2015 over 1 million men received cosmetic procedures such

Good Skin is Always in Style

Seasons come and go, hairstyles and clothing styles change, but the one constant that never goes out of style is healthy, clear skin. One way to keep your skin youthful and fresh is through regular intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments! IPL can be a great way to achieve clear skin by reducing dark spots and

2 Options for Younger Hands

Our hands are one of the most visible parts of the body, but many people neglect them in their skin care and anti-aging routines. This leads to hands that are sun damaged and wrinkled, giving away a person’s age instantly (or even make a person seem older than they are!). However, modern technology means that

IPL For Younger Looking Skin

Aging of the skin results from a combination of damage from ultraviolet exposure and the intrinsic aging process. Sun-damaged skin is characterized by skin laxity, lines/wrinkles, brown spots, redness, roughness, and fine blood vessels. Here at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, our board-certified dermatologists commonly treat sun-damaged skin with the IPL photofacial. What is IPL?

Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures on the Rise!

According to recent reports from the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, non-invasive cosmetic procedures are on the rise.  More and more Americans are seeking cosmetic treatments to fight the signs of aging than ever before. Here at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, we aren’t surprised by this data as we have seen an increase in patients seeking

Intense Pulsed Light Keeps The Compliments

Each month, we analyze what lasers and light devices are most popular at our office. It may surprise you that treatment with the IPL photofacial machine consistently wins the popularity contest! In fact, IPL usually surpasses even Botox as our most popular office treatment. So, we’re bet you’re wondering exactly what does IPL do and why

Reshape & Tighten Your Neck With ThermiSculpt
In this webinar, Dr. Groff will educate you on how the experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology can provide life-changing results without surgery through ThermiSculpt.

Speaker: Dr. William F. Groff
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST

Register here.