Winter in San Diego may not be much by most standards, but the ever-so-slightly cooler weather and the handful of gloomier, soggier days make it a perfect time to get procedures that require a bit of cover-up.

The expert dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology know that sun avoidance is key to an optimal outcome for many aesthetic procedures. Here they break down a few beauty treatments that are custom-made for chillier times.

Sculpt your perfect curves

bodysculpting diagram in san diego, ca

If you’ve been thinking about liposuction or liposculpture, but don’t want to show off your bruises or swelling, winter presents the perfect chance to perfect your body without anyone knowing. Our board-certified dermatologists use advanced tumescent liposculpture to reshape and remodel your chin and body by removing excess fat and creating a more pleasing shape to your:

  • Upper abdomen
  • Lower abdomen
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Upper arms
  • Inner thighs
  • Calves
  • Ankles
  • Double chin
  • Breasts

If you’re a man with gynecomastia, you may be able to resolve the look of your overly feminized breasts just by removing excess fat with a liposculpture procedure. 

Unlike noninvasive body-contouring treatments, you only need one session of liposuction, no matter which area you’re treating. In most cases, your doctor sculpts away all the unneeded fat in an hour or two, without the need for general anesthesia. 

You may be swollen and bruised for up to a couple of weeks. That gives you the ideal opportunity to whip out the sweaters, scarves, and pants your East Coast relatives sent as gifts for the holidays. Depending on which area you had treated, your dermatologist may also recommend wearing compression garments to minimize swelling and discomfort. 

Cosmetic Laser Dermatology also offers non-invasive treatments that create amazing results that require no downtime. 

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical body sculpting treatment that uses cryolipolysis (precisely controlled cooling). Fat cells in the targeted area are frozen and destroyed. Your body’s natural mechanisms then flush out the destroyed fat cells, leaving behind firmer skin and a contoured shape.

We combine CoolSculpting with a session of Z Wave afterward to further enhance your results. This treatment delivers acoustic sound waves into the dermal layers, smoothing and tightening the skin for nearly perfect results. Z Wave treatments are complimentary after CoolSculpting to ensure our patients enjoy the best possible outcome from their body contouring procedure.

CoolTone uses electromagnetic pulses to penetrate through the skin and fat, targeting your muscle layers to induce muscle contractions. The body responds to this by strengthening and conditioning your muscles.

Renew your skinlaser skin rejuvenation in san diego, ca

While everyone else is hibernating due to plunging temperatures that hover around a not-so-freezing 60 degrees, you can refresh and rebuild your skin with laser treatments. Laser treatments not only tighten and firm your face and neck, but they also erase the damage that the San Diego sun wreaks during warmer months. Choose from:

Fraxel® Re:Store Dual — eliminates fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation; tones and firms skin

Active/Deep FX – decreases the appearance of sunspots and scars while stimulating collagen production. 

Fraxel Re:pair — smooths, tones, and tightens skin while eliminating sun damage and smoothing scars and wrinkles

Make sure you optimize your healing skin by protecting it from the sun’s rays with wide-brimmed hats whenever you venture outdoors. Laser treatments rebuild your skin with new collagen and elastic fibers, so give your new skin a chance with the shade it needs to stay safe. 

And don’t forget regular applications of 30+ SPF sunscreens. Your dermatologist helps you choose the perfect sunscreen for your skin tone and type. 

Take away visible, broken veins

If you have large, bulging varicose veins on your legs, or spidery telangiectasias that mar your face or legs, remove them once and for all with either sclerotherapy or laser vein removal. Our dermatologists help you decide which treatment is best for you.

Sclerotherapy is an injectable therapy that collapses large, dysfunctional veins such as varicose veins. You need to wear compression garments to help cut off blood supply to the treated vein, so it dissolves and is absorbed by your body over a several-week period. Once the broken vein is treated, your body quickly reroutes your circulation through healthier veins to improve your overall blood flow.

Stockings, long dresses, slacks, and sweaters help disguise your compression stocking and healing veins. By the time spring arrives, your legs will be vein free and ready to show off on our sunny beaches and boardwalks (but don’t forget the sunscreen!).

Laser and/or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)vein treatment is best for small spider veins around your nose or on your face and chest. You can even improve the redness of rosacea with a laser treatment. Wear a hat when outdoors and never forget your sunscreen, no matter how chilly or gray the day.

Hair Removallaser hair removal in san diego, ca

Get ready for silky, hair-free legs, bikini area, face, and arms this summer by starting your hair-removal sessions today. Because each blast of the laser only affects hairs that are in their early growth phase, you may need a series of up to six treatments to fully remove your unwanted hairs. Start now for a shave-free summer. 

Be sure that any summer or autumn tan you have has already faded before beginning your hair removal sessions. Laser hair removal works best on untanned skin. However, our advanced lasers treat most skin and hair tones and colors. To learn more, visit

Get a facelift without a facelift

If you’re headed out for a mid-winter holiday and want to come back looking like you spent your time at a movie-star-level detox spa, talk to us about a Take10 Treatment. Take10 is a series of nonsurgical procedures that completely rejuvenate your appearance, taking about 10 years off your face without a stitch. Your Take10 rejuvenation includes:

  • Laser skin renewal using multiple lasers
  • Botox® to quiet down dynamic muscle wrinkles
  • Injectable fillers to restore volume and stimulate collagen
  • Wrinkle Fillers to plump up and smooth deep and shallow wrinkles
  • Lip Injectable fillers to create beautiful, full, youthful lips

Your Take10 treatment is tailored to your needs. Because you may undergo multiple laser treatments, plus a variety of injectable therapies, you should give yourself a week or two to heal and recover. Yes, that means it’s time to whip out those wide-brimmed hats and make sure you have plenty of sunscreen in stock.

Schedule today in our San Diego Medical Clinic

To schedule your winter renewal so you’ll be beach-ready in just a few weeks, contact us today.


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