According to recent polls, the number one priority for health-oriented goals so far in 2013 is losing weight. However, for some of us, no matter how much we diet or exercise, we’re still left with an unwanted bulge here or there. If this problem sounds all too familiar to you, our cosmetic laser dermatologists in San Diego want to inform you about CoolSculpting by Zeltiq—a non-invasive alternative to liposuction that works to tighten, tone, and remove slightly stubborn fatty areas. With the holidays now behind us, there’s no better time than now to try something new to get rid of your excess fat!
What Is CoolSculpting?
As one of the first San Diego practices offering CoolSculpting, our dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology understand how to produce the best results possible for our patients who are undergoing the treatment. CoolSculpting by Zeltiq works to remove unwanted fat from the body through a method called Cryolipolysis, better known as controlled cooling. The procedure then begins to kill fat cells without damaging any other body tissues. Once the fat cells have died, your body absorbs them naturally and expels them, leaving you with a tighter appearance. This procedure is entirely free of downtime, anesthesia, and surgery. Immediately after undergoing the treatment, the patient can return to their normal and everyday activities though they may experience slight redness, bruising, or temporary numbness near the treated area. To learn more about CoolSculpting, visit
Often times, it takes a few months for the final results of CoolSculpting to be seen, though some patients report noticing a change in appearance just one month after the procedure.
How Is CoolSculpting Different From Liposuction?
One of the ways that CoolSculpting is completely different than liposuction is that the procedure is completely non-invasive, meaning there are absolutely no incisions that need to be made. Because CoolSculpting relies on a sucking mechanism to freeze and kill fat cells, the treatment is performed in the office and takes only about an hour. On the other hand, liposuction involves the use of instruments that extract excess fat from the body in a more invasive way. Liposuction is also ideal for patients concerned about ridding their bodies of much more fat than those electing to undergo CoolSculpting, where often times the best results are seen when the treated area is small.
Contact An Expert Dermatologist in San Diego Today
The best way for you to determine whether or not you’d be a good candidate to undergo non-invasive CoolSculpting in San Diego is to contact Goldman, Butterwick, Fitzpatrick, Groff & Fabi at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology today to schedule your initial consultation. Our expert and board-certified dermatologists are confident in their abilities to provide you with the perfect treatment that can leave you with excellent results.
If you’d like to learn more about CoolSculpting or liposuction, we encourage you to contact our office today by calling (858) 943-2113.
Next, learn about How You can get Rid of Fine Lines and Deep Folds.