“Estrogen is like a fertilizer for your plants — it stimulates collagen and bone,” explains Dr. Sabrina Fabi, M.D., FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in San Diego. “Our fibroblasts in our skin no longer have that fertilizer effect to lay down new collagen and elastin or hyaluronic acid. So, as a result, within the first three years of menopause, you lose 30% of your intrinsic ability to create new collagen. And that translates not just into a thinning of the skin but the little septa that connects the skin to the underlying muscles.”

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Lift & Tighten Sagging Skin Without Surgery

Feb 11th at 5:30pm

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 *Treatment must be completed by end of April 2025. Skincare basket will be provided upon completion of treatment. Must be a new patient to the practice or an existing patient of Dr. Butterwick. Terms & conditions may apply.