Liposuction is a medically proven procedure to remove unwanted fat that we have been performing since 1994. However, many people are still depriving themselves of the opportunity to achieve a leaner, slimmer, and more contoured physique because of misinformation. It is necessary to separate the myths from the facts to understand why liposuction is an effective procedure, making it one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world.

Cosmetic Laser Dermatology’s board-certified dermatologists in San Diego, CA, are skin and body sculpting experts specializing in minimally invasive fat reduction treatments, providing patients with natural, beautiful results without invasive surgery. Our doctors have not only pioneered the innovative Cool³ body sculpting treatment plan that achieves superior results in a single session, but they are also among the first in Southern California to offer CoolSculpting Elite. 

In addition to the most innovative techniques, we believe knowledge is critical. To help you make a more informed decision about liposuction, we reveal the “fake facts” about the procedure.

“Fact” #1: You Can Use Liposuction to Lose Weight

It is important to remember that liposuction is a body-contouring method, not a weight-loss tool or an obesity treatment. Ideal liposuction candidates are those within 30% of their healthy weight range with localized fat pockets they’d like to reduce. Liposuction only offers long-lasting results when patients maintain a healthy lifestyle after their treatment. 

“Fact” #2: Liposuction Requires at Least One to Three Months of Recovery Time

liposuction before and after results in San Diego, CABecause of modern innovations, cosmetic procedures have become safer, less invasive, and more effective. 

Our San Diego, CA research center keeps us at the forefront of liposculpture treatments, allowing our board-certified dermatologists to offer the most advanced liposuction techniques, including tumescent liposuction. This technique provides several advantages over traditional liposuction, including more precise fat removal with smaller instruments that do not require any stitches resulting in quicker recovery times. Tumescent liposuction results in less bleeding, bruising and swelling and is performed with at most slime twilight anesthesia. Patients are not required to undergo general anesthesia.

“Fact” #3: You will Need to Repeat Your Liposuction Procedure to Maintain Your Results

Liposuction is “permanent” in the sense that once we suction out the fat cells, they are removed for good and won’t return. However, some fat cells will remain and can expand over time. Essentially, You must do the work to keep the fat off. A healthy diet and fitness regimen won’t just help maintain your results but enhance them as well. What we have found from saurveying our patients is that our average patient does 2.3 procedures. Those procedures are NOT in the same area, but, because the procedure is so safe and effective with minimal downtime, our patients chose to treat a different area/s over time. 

“Fact” #4: Men Don’t Get Liposuction

It’s a misconception that women are the only ones that can benefit from this procedure. Liposuction is also one of the most popular cosmetic procedures requested by men to reduce stubborn fat in areas such as the love handles, stomach, chest, and thighs. According to ASPS statistics, men underwent 211,067 liposuction procedures in 2020.

“Fact” #5: Liposuction Leaves You with Loose Skin

Many people worry about sagging skin after liposuction, but that isn’t always the case. Your skin has building blocks consisting of proteins like collagen and elastin that give the skin its strength and resilience, allowing it to contract and tighten. These skin components are usually sufficient enough to tighten the skin, especially in younger patients. Additionally, liposuction may be combined with non-surgical skin tightening treatments like ThermiTight to achieve a flatter and smoother appearance. 

“Fact” #6: It doesn’t Matter What Type of Liposuction You Get

liposuction body contouring treatment results in San DiegoThere are several different liposuction procedures (e.g., tumescent, laser-assisted, ultrasound-assisted, radiofrequency assisted) with a wide variety of names marketed today. At our medical spa, while we have tested and at times helped develop many of these techniques, we have found tumescent liposuction is the best technique that offers long-term satisfaction for our patients. Benefits of tumescent liposuction include:

  • Higher cannula control means less skin rippling 
  • Microcannulas leave minimal scarring behind
  • Comfortable procedure with a shorter downtime
  • Cannula action leads to collagen production 
  • Fat can be transferred to other areas for additional enhancement

Our liposuction techniques produce excellent results with minimal discomfort and downtime involved.

“Fact” #7: It doesn’t Matter Where You Get Liposuction

Liposuction is only safe in the hands of a trained professional. Look for a board-certified dermatologist or surgeon with specialized training and plenty of experience to ensure the best outcome.

Our board-certified dermatologists in San Diego, CA, are liposuction and fat removal experts with over 100 years of combined experience. They have authored over a dozen articles for peer-reviewed medical journals, spoken at national and international medical conferences, and contributed chapters to best-selling medical textbooks on liposculpture treatments. Our goal is to help all of our patients achieve the body contour they want safely and effectively. 

Liposuction Alternatives

male liposuction before and after results in San Diego, CAOur medical spa offers state-of-the-art laser technology and custom treatment options for body sculpting in San Diego. While liposuction is an excellent choice for many patients, it isn’t the best option for everyone. In some cases, a combination approach may also provide the best outcome. 

We exclusively developed the Cool³ combination procedure as a powerful, non-surgical technique for body sculpting. This proprietary treatment combines popular body contouring methods such as CoolSculpting Elite, CoolTone, and Zimmer Z-Wave acoustic therapy to achieve optimal fat removal and body shaping results. 

We are also proud to be one of the first  practices in Southern California to offer CoolSculpting Elite. CoolSculpting Elite features innovative c-shaped applicators that mimic a patient’s natural curves for better fit and function. The new design also provides 30% more tissue contact for more significant fat reduction with every treatment. Leysin Fletcher, PA-C, is 1 of 2 Master Coolsculpting Elite Specialists in San Diego, CA, offering our patients the highest level of care.

We also offer our proprietary ThermiSculpt³ combination procedure. This combination treatment combines the benefits of liposuction with skin tightening therapy, creating one of the most advanced facial contouring procedures available today. ThermiSculpt allows our dermatologists to non-surgically and dramatically reshape and tighten your neck and jawline in just one treatment. For many patients, ThermiSculpt³ may produce similar results to a traditional neck lift. 

Schedule Your Liposuction Procedure at Our Medical Spa Today

Ready for a slimmer you? With over 100,000+ satisfied patients, 50+ lasers and devices, and an in-house dermatology research center, we can say with confidence that you can trust your skin in our hands. To learn more about our body sculpting treatments and exclusive procedures, contact Cosmetic Laser Dermatology.

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Lift & Tighten Sagging Skin Without Surgery

Feb 11th at 5:30pm

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 *Treatment must be completed by end of April 2025. Skincare basket will be provided upon completion of treatment. Must be a new patient to the practice or an existing patient of Dr. Butterwick. Terms & conditions may apply.