Cellulite affects 80 to 90 percent of women, regardless of weight or body type. Also known as cottage cheese fat, cellulite causes unsightly dimpling, mostly around the thighs and buttocks, although it can appear anywhere. Cellulite may cause self-confidence or self-esteem issues, and many women who suffer from it dread the thought of appearing in public in shorts or a swimsuit. In the past, cellulite was very difficult to treat, and the available treatment options either didn’t last long or, in the case of plastic surgery, had potential side effects that deterred women from seeking treatment. Nowadays, however, there is a brand-new technology on the market called Cellfina that is not only effective but long-lasting. Cellfina was recently cleared by the FDA for results that last up to two years!
Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego is proud to be one of the first practices in the area to offer this revolutionary new cellulite treatment. To schedule a Cellfina consultation to see if you may be a candidate for this innovative new treatment, call us at 858.771.9634 today!
What is Cellfina?
Cellfina is a non-invasive cellulite reduction treatment that is cleared by the FDA for effective results that last for up to two years. It works by using a proprietary, cutting-edge technology that automates the subcision process for precise and effective results, with minimal to no side effects. Subcision is a technique that severs the septae that connect the skin to muscle and are responsible for cellulite dimpling. Severing these septae allows the skin to spring back into shape, smoothing over the dimples. In the past, subcision could only be done as a surgical process with a high risk of side effects. Today, Cellfina performs the same function in a non-surgical, painless way!
A Cellfina procedure can take up to an hour, depending on the number of dimples treated. It is a safe, effective, and painless procedure. The areas to be treated are numbed beforehand with a topical cream, then your dermatologist will accurately and precisely target your cellulite dimples with the Cellfina handpiece. Following a treatment, you are free to immediately resume your everyday life and activities, including going to work!
Benefits of Cellfina
Cellfina is currently the longest-lasting FDA approved cellulite treatment on the market. It is a great option for women who want to get rid of their cellulite but do not want to undergo a surgical procedure. The procedure takes only an hour max out of your day, and there is no downtime needed. You won’t need to take any days off work or cancel any social obligations following a Cellfina treatment!
Cellulite is a common problem that can’t be taken care of easily through diet, exercise, or lifestyle change alone. It can strike any woman, not just those who are overweight, and is often genetically passed down. However, with the new Cellfina treatment, you don’t need to give up on smooth skin that you can show off without a second thought at the pool or beach!
Schedule a Cellfina Consultation Today
If you have cellulite that you want to get rid of in a painless and non-invasive manner, visit Cosmetic Laser Dermatology to find out if you are a candidate for Cellfina. To learn more about this revolutionary new technology and to schedule your consultation, just call 858.771.9634 today!
Next, learn How you can get Summer Ready with CoolSculpting.