Freckle Removal San Diego

Many people, both men and women, have freckles on their skin. People can be born with freckles, or they can appear over time as a result of sun exposure. Many people do not like the look of freckles, and they wish to get rid of the freckles that they have. In the past, this was

How to Remove Spider Veins

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia, are small, dark, twisting veins that can appear in both men and women, often around the age of 40 or later. These veins can stand out against the skin, especially if the skin is pale or thin, and can be very unsightly. Spider veins can be red, blue, or

Pre/Post Treatment Guidelines

Being prepared for your dermatology procedures is a valuable part of every successful treatment. Understanding what will happen before, during, and after any treatment will help you to not only be in optimal condition for the process but take proper actions afterward for the greatest degree of success. The team at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology values

Face Skin Irritation

If you suffer from redness, dryness, and other face skin irritation, you may be suffering from a skin ailment called Rosacea. While not serious, many people who suffer from rosacea feel embarrassed, self-conscious, and frustrated with the rosy-red appearance of their skin, as well as the skin sensitivity, burning sensation, and red bumps that often

Intense Pulsed Light Keeps The Compliments

Each month, we analyze what lasers and light devices are most popular at our office. It may surprise you that treatment with the IPL photofacial machine consistently wins the popularity contest! In fact, IPL usually surpasses even Botox as our most popular office treatment. So, we’re bet you’re wondering exactly what does IPL do and why

Sallow Skin: Causes, Prevention, and Treatments

When your reflection in the mirror shows a sallow complexion, you might wonder why your skin looks grey and dull. The vibrant glow has been replaced by a lackluster color, leaving your face looking tired and lifeless. Understanding dull skin, its causes, and how to rejuvenate its natural radiance is crucial. In this guide, we’ll

How Our Experts Combine Treatments for Maximum Face & Neck Rejuvenation

In the realm of cosmetic dermatology, the secret to achieving the most remarkable face and neck rejuvenation often lies in the art of combining treatments. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists have perfected this approach by bringing together a variety of advanced procedures to unlock unparalleled results. Combining UltraClear, IPL, Sculptra, & Radiesse to

What to Expect Before, During, and After IPL Photofacial Treatment

Sun exposure, age, and other skin conditions, such as rosacea or spider veins, produce skin discoloration that may be challenging to treat with standard over-the-counter remedies. IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial treatment is a safe, non-invasive cosmetic procedure used to treat common skin conditions, providing a rejuvenated appearance and removing sun spots. The procedure is

Non-Ablative Laser Resurfacing for Sun Damage: How It Can Help Repair Your Skin

Sun exposure can damage the skin and cause premature signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sunspots, and hyperpigmentation. To repair sun damage, many patients turn to non-surgical procedures like non-ablative laser resurfacing to rejuvenate the skin with minimal downtime.  How Non-Ablative Laser Resurfacing Works to Repair Sun-Damaged Skin Non-ablative laser resurfacing works by creating heat

What Is More Effective for Skin Tightening; Radiofrequency or IPL?

Whether you are just beginning to see lines and wrinkles or looking to reverse more severe aging signs, there are devices like radiofrequency and IPL to help you achieve younger-looking skin. Each device is designed to treat specific skin concerns, and while each one works differently, they all transform the skin by improving its tone,

Reshape & Tighten Your Neck With ThermiSculpt
In this webinar, Dr. Groff will educate you on how the experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology can provide life-changing results without surgery through ThermiSculpt.

Speaker: Dr. William F. Groff
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST

Register here.