Facial Injectable and Dermal Fillers

Below is an infographic highlighting the different types of injectables and dermal fillers available at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, CA. We highlight the differences between injectables and dermal fillers based on effect, treatment area, and various other factors.

December 20, 2019

Women’s Dermatologic Society Young Physician Spotlight: Monica Boen, MD

Dr. Monica Boen is a board certified dermatologist at Cosmetic Laser Dermatologist in San Diego, CA. On December, 2019, she was selected and interviewed for the Young Physician Spotlight by the Women’s Dermatologic Society.

December 6, 2019

Varicose Veins Infographic

October 29, 2019

Join our

Inner Circle Referral Program

Get $100 Off* Botox or Dysport for You and Your Friend

Background Illustration Texture

Lift & Tighten Sagging Skin Without Surgery

Feb 11th at 5:30pm

Register Here


First 3 attendees to book will receive 10% off their treatment + a complimentary skincare basket*

 *Treatment must be completed by end of April 2025. Skincare basket will be provided upon completion of treatment. Must be a new patient to the practice or an existing patient of Dr. Butterwick. Terms & conditions may apply.