Are you ready for a cosmetic treatment even though your bank account isn’t? Perhaps the solution lies in a research study at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology. The team of board-certified dermatologists at our medical clinic participate in numerous studies every year, trying out the newest devices, treatments, and techniques to stay at the forefront of cosmetic dermatology. With a variety of studies to choose from in San Diego, you may find one that meets your specific aesthetic concern and goals beautifully. 

Monica Boen, MD, is one of the board-certified physicians at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology working with patients in these studies. She recently held a webinar to educate the public about the current studies underway and the steps you can take to become a participant. 

The Cosmetic Laser Dermatology Research Wing

Dr. Boen kicked off her webinar with a tour of the research wing at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology. The wing is adjacent to their clinical area, where patients frequently come for treatment. The proximity within the same building allows doctors and staff to move freely between the two, so they can care for their patients even while testing out the latest in cosmetic dermatology treatments. 

Dr. Boen noted in her webinar that the dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology see patients with all shades of skin color. Known for their expertise and wide menu of laser devices, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology stands apart in their ability to treat all patients. As certain lasers do not work well with darker skin tones, we make it a priority to have devices in our office that work for everyone.

Within the research area, our dermatologists conduct multiple research studies on topical treatments, injectable solutions, and laser therapies. Some products and devices are brand new, while others are improvements on familiar formulations. Others involve well-known treatments used in innovative ways to increase their efficacy. Volunteers can choose from a variety of studies based on their specific skin needs, getting some treatments for free and even receiving compensation for undergoing others. 

dermatology research case results in San DiegoCurrent Studies at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology 

Dr. Boen describes some of the current studies going on at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, as well as some of the popular studies from 2020. Past studies include: 

  • Melasma treatment using novel topical agents, including a new Skinceuticals formulation
  • Novel facial cream for photodamage that includes stem cell extracts 
  • Fillers to improve the jawline by restoring volume and shape with sustained results
  • Treatments using the Thermage FLX, the latest Thermage device for face and neck tightening (first practice to have and test this device)
  • Novel topical stem cell treatment to use after CO2 laser resurfacing to support the recovery process 
  • Laser treatments using a 1,927 nm nonablative fractional thulium fiber laser to rejuvenate the skin on the scalp of male patients 

In addition to these past studies cited in Dr. Boen’s webinar, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology has the following studies currently underway: 

  • Topical cream to treat atopic dermatitis in adult and adolescents 
  • New laser hair removal treatment for patients with red, grey, or blonde hair
  • Topical cream combined with photodynamic therapy to treat superficial basal cell carcinoma
  • Sclerotherapy to treat and remove spider veins in both legs
  • Treatment for periorbital hyperpigmentation (dark circles under the eyes)
  • Novel topical medications to treat a variety of venous, lymphatic, or mixed malformations
  • Novel neuromodulator to reduce crow’s feet, horizontal forehead lines, and glabellar wrinkles 
  • Treatment using a microneedling patch to reduce symptoms of psoriasis
  • Investigational device to treat cellulite on the buttocks and thighs 

Individuals interested in any of these ongoing studies are invited to apply online to see if they are a good candidate for the different treatment options. 

dermatologist, Dr. Monica Boen in San DiegoOne Final Note on the Studies at our Medical Clinic

In her webinar, Dr. Boen pointed out that all of the studies conducted at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology have been approved for safety by an international review board before they begin. Duration of the different studies can vary, with most topical studies lasting about 12 weeks, injectable treatments extending 90 days, and some devices take up to six months to collect all the necessary data.

Each study has an age range, which is typically determined by the companies that manufacture the products, which means our dermatologists must abide by the guidelines. We may screen interested individuals for multiple studies, and our researchers will determine which study is most suitable. Subjects are only allowed to participate in one study at a time and can participate in a subsequent study 30 days after the first study, in most cases. Study subjects are expected to attend all appointments to ensure accurate data is collected.

Learn More About Cosmetic Dermatology Research Studies in San Diego

Cosmetic Laser Dermatology remains at the forefront of the cosmetic dermatology industry with the ability to be some of the first to test out different devices, products, and techniques. For interested individuals, these studies provide the opportunity to undergo some treatments for free or to receive compensation for some procedures. If you are interested in learning more about our current research studies, give our medical clinic a call at (858) 943-2113.


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