Age Spots
While freckles are beautiful, they are actually signs of sun damage – and are also called age spots.
Don’t let the name “age spots” fool you. Age spots have more to do with sun exposure than age, which is why other names for these are sun spots or brown spots. Regardless, there’s no denying that sunspots make skin look less youthful.
How to Get Rid of Age Spots
One way to get rid of this giraffe look is with a series of IPL photofacials. This is a light treatment that penetrates the skin and absorbed by the pigmented lesions. This damages the lesions, and erases them leaving a more youthful and uniform skin tone.
What is IPL?
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. But don’t let the word “Intense” scare you. This non-invasive treatment has been reported by many patients as being similar to the sensation of a rubber band snap.
It’s important to have sunspots looked at by a qualified dermatologist before considering treatments, as some early signs of skin cancer can resemble larger sunspots.
Schedule A Consultation
Here at our San Diego office we have qualified doctors that can help you figure out the best treatment plan for your skin. Set up a dermatology consultation today!
Next, learn more about the Harmful Effects of the Sun on Your Skin.