New Year, New Neck

With so much focus on the face, it’s common for people to neglect their neck and chest – but in fact, the neck and chest region is one of the biggest “tell” signs of age. Skin laxity and sun damage can become very apparent and visible in this area, and if the face has been

Greet the New Year with Brighter, Tighter Skin

Another year has passed, and another year’s worth of gravity and sun damage has taken its toll on your skin. Never fear! With more than 50 lasers and devices to choose from, we have many solutions to address the issues that trouble you. Wintertime is the ideal season for a laser treatment that will leave

Relax, Restore, Resurface

As the science of cosmetic dermatology advances, more dermatologists are turning to combination treatments to provide the absolute best results possible for their patients. We know that different types of wrinkle treatments are better for different skin issues, so by combining them, we can create beautiful, comprehensive results that a single treatment alone could not

Gain 72 Days of Your Life Back

Did you know that the average amount of time a woman spends shaving in her lifetime adds up to approximately 72 days? That’s a lot of hours spent doing something so tedious, which often results in nicks, bumps, and irritation. Nowadays, many women forego shaving altogether in favor of other methods, including waxing and at-home

IPL For Younger Looking Skin

Aging of the skin results from a combination of damage from ultraviolet exposure and the intrinsic aging process. Sun-damaged skin is characterized by skin laxity, lines/wrinkles, brown spots, redness, roughness, and fine blood vessels. Here at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, our board-certified dermatologists commonly treat sun-damaged skin with the IPL photofacial. What is IPL?

Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures on the Rise!

According to recent reports from the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, non-invasive cosmetic procedures are on the rise.  More and more Americans are seeking cosmetic treatments to fight the signs of aging than ever before. Here at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, we aren’t surprised by this data as we have seen an increase in patients seeking

Intense Pulsed Light Keeps The Compliments

Each month, we analyze what lasers and light devices are most popular at our office. It may surprise you that treatment with the IPL photofacial machine consistently wins the popularity contest! In fact, IPL usually surpasses even Botox as our most popular office treatment. So, we’re bet you’re wondering exactly what does IPL do and why

Sclerotherapy For Swimsuit Season

With swimsuit season just around the corner, everyone wants to be in tiptop shape for the occasion. Though you may be considering a nip or tuck here and there to achieve your bathing suit body, did you know that one of the most commonly sought cosmetic treatments for the summer months is sclerotherapy for unwanted

Big Beauty Myths Debunked

Too often, people believe too much of what they see or hear on the Internet, in magazines, or on television. Through doing a little bit of research and digging, our expert dermatologists in San Diego wanted to share with our readers some of the most popular beauty myths that are still extremely common today, and

Secret Wrinkle Causing Habits

As we get older, we become more aware of wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet that appear on our faces. Even more so, as the aging process continues, we also grow wiser as to how we can help stop their appearance with the use of wrinkle-fighting creams, sunscreen, and even injectable treatments like facial fillers

Reshape & Tighten Your Neck With ThermiSculpt
In this webinar, Dr. Groff will educate you on how the experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology can provide life-changing results without surgery through ThermiSculpt.

Speaker: Dr. William F. Groff
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST

Register here.