Brand-New Restylane Lyft for Mid-Face

At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, we are proud to be on the very forefront of cosmetic procedures, and we are excited to announce the launch of brand-new Restylane Lyft. We have long used Restylane products, including Restylane, Perlane, and Restylane Silk, and we look forward to being able to offer Restylane Lyft in the near future as

Injectables- Appear Younger with No Downtime!

Right now is a very exciting time in cosmetic dermatology. There are so many new products to use to enhance our natural beauty and give us the look that we desire. In addition, we have many new and cutting-edge techniques that we are using with these injectable products. The techniques can be used in a

Top Summer Treatments

Have you been doing everything you can to get that perfect summer look, but still need a few finishing touches to get you looking your absolute best? The board-certified dermatologists in San Diego at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego have the solution. How does a total body makeover without surgery sound? Our dermatologists can get you

Appear Younger With No Down Time!

Right now is a very exciting time in cosmetic dermatology. There are so many new products to use to enhance our natural beauty and give us the look that we desire. In addition, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, CA have many new and cutting-edge techniques that we are using with these injectable products. The

Deep Facial Wrinkles: What to Know

While lines and deep wrinkles are a natural part of aging, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego makes them optional. We offer a wide variety of lasers that allow our board-certified dermatologists to tailor personalized treatments for every patient looking to improve the appearance of their deep facial wrinkles. What Are Deep Facial Wrinkles, and

Easy New Year’s Beauty Resolutions

While 80% of New Year’s resolutions have been broken or forgotten by February, you’re determined to be part of that 20% who makes good on their vows. One way to reach that goal is to create resolutions that excite you so much that they’re easy to keep.  The board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in

Beauty Through The Ages

What is beauty, really? We can tell if someone is beautiful just by looking at them, but can we actually explain why? We may not know the exact answers but one thing is for certain –our ideals for what it means to be beautiful are ever-changing. But no matter what rules we apply, we are

Injectables: Fact or Fiction?

Interested in fillers, but have heard or read some information that gives you pause? You’re not alone. With the popularity of injectables like Botox, Juvéderm, and Restylane, it’s a challenge to know what’s a myth and what’s the truth. That’s why the board-certified dermatologists and injectables experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego have

Dr. Groff demonstrates Voluma injections for a liquid facelift on Fox 5

Dr. Groff discusses the new filler Voluma, what it is, how it’s used, and how long it lasts. Dr. Groff demonstrates the procedure in a patient that had half of her face injected and before and after photos of another previous patient.

Reshape & Tighten Your Neck With ThermiSculpt
In this webinar, Dr. Groff will educate you on how the experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology can provide life-changing results without surgery through ThermiSculpt.

Speaker: Dr. William F. Groff
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST

Register here.