Lasercyn Dermal Spray 8oz
Lasercyn Dermal Spray 8oz
Lasercyn™ Dermal Spray is intended for use in the management of skin abrasions, lacerations, minor irritations, cuts and intact skin. Contains Performance Stabilized HOCl™, Non-toxic, Non-irritating, Non-sensitizing, Steroid-free, Antibiotic-free.
The key clinical benefits of Performance Stabilized HOCl (hypochlorous acid):
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a compound that is produced naturally by Neutrophils in the inmmune system to eradicate microorganisms. HOCl immediately relieves itch and pain, kills bacteria and breaks down biofilm, does not sting or irritate skin and oxygenates the cells in the area treated assisting the body in its natural healing process. Sonoma’s Performance Stabilized HOCl has been formulated to deliver maximum benefits safely throughout the life of the product.