Chin Contouring Overview

chin contouring before and after results in San Diego

The Aging Chin

Few areas of the body show a person’s age quicker than the lower face. The aging process causes the once-sleek contours of the chin and jawline to sag due to loose skin and fat deposits around the mouth and cheeks.

In some people, jowls may also contribute to the appearance of a double chin. 

Reasons to Consider Chin Contouring

Chin contouring can achieve the following:

  • Augment a weak or receding chin
  • Soften the appearance of a cleft  or dimpled chin
  • Enhance a long or narrow chin
  • Remove submental fat that leads to a “double chin” 
  • Improve jawline definition
  • Reduce sagging skin

Submental chin fat can be a big problem for some people, as it is difficult to get rid of and can make you look older and heavier than you really are. There are no exercises that work specifically for the chin, and if you are predisposed genetically to a double chin, even a healthy lifestyle and diet may not help much.

Women may also suffer from a “turkey wattle,” or excess loose skin under the chin caused by gravity and the natural aging process. However, there are a variety of body shaping treatments available to help reduce the appearance of both a double chin and loose, sagging skin.

You don’t have to live with an unwanted, unattractive chin contour – with the help of liposuction or one of our non-invasive skin tightening devices, you can get on the road to achieving a sculpted and defined chin at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego.

Chin Sculpting without Surgery at Our Medical Spa

Dermal fillers are an excellent way to augment or alter the appearance of a long, narrow, weak, or flabby chin, soften a cleft or dimpled chin, and restore volume and contours lost to the aging process. Dermal fillers can also work to minimize the early signs of jowl formation.

Benefits of dermal fillers: 

  • Little to downtime
  • No general anesthesia needed
  • Immediate improvement

Reducing Chin Fat with Minimal Downtime

non-surgical chin contouring treatment results in San DiegoSubmental fat, or fat under the chin, gives the look of a double chin and can make people appear heavier or older. Submental fat results from genetics, aging, and weight gain and is often resistant to the effects of a healthy diet and exercise. 

Our medical spa offers several effective procedures to treat submental fat, especially when combined with one of our skin-tightening treatments

ThermiSculpt³ is our proprietary treatment that combines facial liposuction to remove submental fat, ThermiTight to firm up loose skin, and injectable fillers to augment the chin and put the finishing touches on your jawline contouring. The expert dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology have developed this combination approach to address multiple concerns safely and effectively, with superior results. 

Chin liposuction is the most effective way to remove submental fat, although it does require local anesthesia and a bit of downtime. Due to bruising and swelling, recovery generally takes about three days. 

Coolmini™ is an effective treatment for removing submental fat. It effectively “freezes” fat cells, resulting in a 20-30% reduction in submental fat after one treatment. The procedure can be repeated to achieve the desired look. 

Kybella® is a minimally invasive injectable treatment designed to melt away chin fat. Injections are made in strategic points in the chin area. The product gradually destroys fat cells, and the body naturally eliminates them. Patients do experience swelling and soreness after the procedure, and multiple sessions are required to achieve the desired outcome. We also use this product to reduce early jowl formation. 

Ultherapy® and Thermage® are non-surgical treatments that stimulate collagen production, improving skin tightness and elasticity for a more youthful appearance. Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy, whereas Thermage uses radiofrequency energy. 

Benefits of Chin Contouring

The chin is a prominent facial feature that can throw the entire face out of balance when it is disproportionate to other facial features. Chins can also change over time to produce an aged appearance. Patients focusing on the chin for improvement may have one or more of the following goals:

  • Definition: Distinction between the face and neck
  • Contour: Shape and size
  • Simplicity: Smooth curve

Chin contouring can give patients a more youthful appearance while making the chin and jawline structure balance other facial features. Chin contouring can successfully reduce:

  • Jowls: Sagging skin around the jawline may form due to skin laxity and weakened structural support.
  • Skin laxity: Loose or crepey skin can develop, resulting from the natural aging process and other extrinsic factors like lifestyle, genetics, and environment.
  • Submental bulk: Better known as a double chin, this common issue occurs when a layer of fat forms under the chin and around the jawline. It can result from weight gain, skin laxity, or genetics.

Cosmetic Laser Dermatology’s proprietary treatment, ThermiSculpt³, is our exclusive combination treatment that dramatically reshapes and tightens the neck, chin, and jawline without surgery. ThermiSculpt³ results in a firmer, more naturally defined jawline without incisions or significant downtime afterward.

We use liposculpture, combined with skin tightening procedures like ThermiTight and sometimes injectable filler like Juvederm Voluma to produce the most natural results. In fact, Dr. Goldman was the principal investigator for Allergan to get FDA approval for the use of Juvederm Voluma for chin enhancement. 

As the skin heals and adjusts after a contouring treatment, it will naturally conform to the new facial profile. For patients that lack the elasticity for skin to bounce back naturally, we can help the process along with our non-surgical skin tightening options. Other benefits of chin contouring include:

  • Strengthens a receding or weak chin
  • Creates a more flattering jawline
  • Reduces the look of jowls or a double chin
  • Tightens and smoothes skin
  • Creates a harmonious appearance with your facial features
  • Fills in areas around your chin and jawline to make chin wrinkles disappear

Contact our Medical Spa to Schedule Your Chin Contouring Treatment Today

Our board-certified dermatologists are currently accepting new patients and will be happy to meet with you to discuss which chin contouring procedure is right for you. Contact our office to schedule your consultation today.

Treatment Options

Dr. Groff performing a chin contouring procedure in San Diego

If you are visiting Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in order to eliminate a double chin, the first thing our skincare specialists will do is determine which treatment is right for you. An in-person consultation will allow our dermatologists to accurately and strategically develop a treatment plan that’s unique to your special circumstances. Some of the double chin treatments offered at our medical spa in San Diego include the following:

Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuctionchin liposuction before and after results in San Diego is the original and still the most effective way to reduce saggy skin under the chin. Liposuction involves a longer recovery period than non-invasive options, but it will achieve the most dramatic results over a single treatment. Here at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, we perform tumescent liposculpture of the chin, which results in less downtime than “traditional” liposuction. Tumescent liposculpture involves only local anesthetic, which reduces the risk of side effects from anesthesia and allows patients to be up and about much sooner than they could after general anesthesia.

Recovery after tumescent liposuction takes just a few days before patients are presentable again, so we recommend having the procedure done over a long weekend when you have the time to rest and recover out of the public eye. This procedure is very safe and effective and has a high rate of success.


CoolMini is the latest FDA cleared non-invasive treatment for submental fat under the chin. It can also be used on other areas of the body with small, difficult to treat pockets of fat, such as the armpits and knees! CoolMini uses the same cryolipolysis technology as CoolSculpting, with the same rate of effectiveness. The applicator selectively “freezes” the submental fat cells, leading to a 20-30% reduction in fat after one treatment. Multiple treatments may be done to achieve a more dramatic effect if desired.

CoolMini involves no downtime, and side effects may include minor swelling, redness, and numbness that will disappear on its own in a matter of hours to weeks, depending on the patient. This liposculpture treatment is great for people with small amounts of fat under the chin who don’t necessarily want to undergo liposuction.


Kybella is an injectable treatment for melting chin fat that was FDA approved in 2015. This treatment works by using deoxycholic acid to target and destroy unwanted fat cells. A series of injections are placed at strategic points under the chin, and over time the fat cells are destroyed and eliminated naturally by the body, allowing a double chin to reduce in size and the chin to become more contoured.

Kybella involves only minimal downtime, but we recommend that patients do it over a weekend just in case there is significant swelling. Swelling, bruising, and numbness are the side effects most commonly associated with Kybella, but these are generally minimal and will resolve on their own.


Ultherapy is an FDA cleared, effective treatment for lifting and tightening skin on the neck, chest, and face non-surgically. It uses ultrasound energy to penetrate deep into the tissue and stimulate collagen production, thus causing the skin to regain some elasticity, tighten, and retract, leaving you with a firmer, more youthful neck contour.

Ultherapy can be used to smooth chest wrinkles, contour the neck and chin, and even brighten the eye area by tightening drooping skin around the eyes. It can also be used in conjunction with the fat reduction of the chin to help tighten any potential loose skin afterward.

ThermiTightThermiTight chin contouring results in San Diego, CA

ThermiTight is a minimally invasive contouring procedure that uses a small probe inserted under the skin to conduct radiofrequency energy into the deep tissues. This radiofrequency energy heats and contracts the dermis, which in turn stimulates collagen production and leads to tighter skin. ThermiTight is often used in conjunction with liposuction of the chin for a comprehensive fat reduction and skin tightening treatment that leads to the best neck and chin contour possible.

ThermiTight requires no downtime and can be done on its own or with a fat reduction procedure. It can also be used to reduce fat, simply by changing the settings on the radiofrequency device.


Actual unretouched patient before and after ThermiTight for skin laxity by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and After Take10 laser resurfacing and ThermiTight for skin tightening by Dr. Groff
Actual unretouched patient before and after micro-lipo and Thermi for chin contouring by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and After Micro-Lipo and Thermi for chin contouring by Dr. Groff
Actual unretouched patient before and after CO2, Erbium Yag and Microlipo for facial rejuvenation and contouring by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Take10 laser resurfacing and microlipo by Dr. Boen
Actual unretouched patient before and after CO2, Erbium Yag laser and micro lipo for facial rejuvenation and sculpting by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Take10 laser resurfacing and microlipo by Dr. Boen
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight and MicroLipo for chin contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight and micro lipo for chin contouring by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight for chin and neck contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight to contour the chin and neck by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and After ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to address sagging skin under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight to treat sagging skin under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Kybella injections to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Kybella injections to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight with MicroLipo for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo for submental fat reduction by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo for submental fat reduction by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight with MicroLipo for submental fat reduction by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo for submental fat reduction by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight with MicroLipo, Filler, Botox, and Lasers for total rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo, Filler, Botox, and Lasers for total rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight with MicroLipo, Filler, Botox, and Lasers for total rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo, Filler, Botox, and Lasers for total rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight with MicroLipo, Filler, Botox, and Lasers for total rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo, Filler, Botox, and Lasers for total rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo and Lasers to enhance the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo and Lasers to enhance the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo and Lasers to enhance the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo and Lasers to enhance the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo and Lasers to enhance the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo and Lasers to enhance the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the neck and chin by Dr. Fabi
ThermiRF to tighten skin under chin and on neck by Dr. Butterwick.  Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiRF to tighten skin under chin and on neck by Dr. Butterwick
ThermiRF to tighten skin under chin and on neck by Dr. Butterwick.  Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiRF to tighten skin under chin and on neck by Dr. Butterwick
ThermiRF to tighten skin under chin and on neck by Dr. Butterwick.  Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiRF to tighten skin under chin and on neck by Dr. Butterwick
ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Butterwick.  Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Butterwick
ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Butterwick.  Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight with MicroLipo to contour the chin, jawline, and neck by Dr. Butterwick
Micro-lipo and ThermiTight for contouring the neck and chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Micro-Lipo and ThermiTight for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff
Micro-lipo and ThermiTight for contouring the neck and chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Micro-Lipo and ThermiTight for neck and chin contouring by Dr. Groff
Laser Resurfacing, Micro Lipo, ThermiTight, Ultherapy, Fillers, and Botox for full rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Laser Resurfacing, Micro Lipo, ThermiTight, Ultherapy, Fillers, and Botox for full rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
Laser Resurfacing, Micro Lipo, ThermiTight, Ultherapy, Fillers, and Botox for full rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Laser Resurfacing, Micro Lipo, ThermiTight, Ultherapy, Fillers, and Botox for full rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
Laser Resurfacing, Micro Lipo, ThermiTight, Ultherapy, Fillers, and Botox for full rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Laser Resurfacing, Micro Lipo, ThermiTight, Ultherapy, Fillers, and Botox for full rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight, micro-lipo, and injectables to rejuvenate lower facet by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Thermi, Micro-lipo and Injectables for Rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
Thermi, micro-lipo and injectables for rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Thermi, micro-lipo and injectables for rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi
6 years after Thermi, micro-lipo and injectables for rejuvenation by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Thermi, Micro-lipo and injectables by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight and microlipo for chin and jawline contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo for Chin Contouring by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight and microlipo to contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo to Contour the Chin and Jawline by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight and micro-lipo used to contour the chin by Dr. Butterwick. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Micro-Liposuction for Chin Contouring by Dr. Butterwick
ThermiTight and Micro-lipo to contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Micro-lipo to contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Boen
Voluma and Radiesse used to contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma and Radiesse used to contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi
Voluma and Radiesse used to contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma and Radiesse used to contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi
Liposuction and ThermiTight to treat submental fat and tighten the skin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposuction and ThermiTight to Treat Submental Fat and Tighten the Skin by Dr. Fabi
Liposuction and ThermiTight to treat submental fat and tighten the skin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposuction and ThermiTight to Treat Submental Fat and Tighten the Skin by Dr. Fabi
Liposuction and ThermiTight to treat submental fat and tighten the skin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposuction and ThermiTight to Treat Submental Fat and Tighten the Skin by Dr. Fabi
Liposuction and ThermiTight to treat submental fat and tighten the skin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposuction and ThermiTight to Treat Submental Fat and Tighten the Skin by Dr. Fabi
Liposuction and ThermiTight to treat submental fat and tighten the skin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposuction and ThermiTight to Treat Submental Fat and Tighten the Skin by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight and MicroLipo to sculpt the chin, jawline, and neck of a male patient by Dr. Goldman. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and MicroLipo to sculpt the chin, jawline, and neck of a male patient by Dr. Goldman
ThermiTight and MicroLipo to sculpt the chin, jawline, and neck of a male patient by Dr. Goldman. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and MicroLipo to sculpt the chin, jawline, and neck of a male patient by Dr. Goldman
ThermiTight and MicroLipo to sculpt the chin, jawline, and neck of a male patient by Dr. Goldman. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and MicroLipo to sculpt the chin, jawline, and neck of a male patient by Dr. Goldman
ThermiTight and microlipo to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and microlipo to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Groff
Liposculpture to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposculpture to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Liposculpture to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposculpture to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Liposculpture to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Liposculpture to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight and Micro Liposuction for jawline and neck contouring by Dr. Butterwick. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Micro Liposuction for jawline and neck contouring by Dr. Butterwick
ThermiTight and Micro Liposuction for jawline and neck contouring by Dr. Butterwick. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Micro Liposuction for jawline and neck contouring by Dr. Butterwick
Voluma to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi
Voluma to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi
Voluma to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma to sculpt the chin and jawline by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight and Microlipo to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and microlipo to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and microlipo to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and Microlipo to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Groff
MicroLipo to remove extra fat from under the chin by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. MicroLipo to remove extra fat from under the chin by Dr. Boen
MicroLipo to remove extra fat from under the chin by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. MicroLipo to remove extra fat from under the chin by Dr. Boen
CoolMini to treat submental fat under the chin by Leysin Fletcher, PA-C. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. CoolMini to treat submental fat under the chin by Leysin Fletcher, PA-C
CoolMini to treat submental fat under the chin by Leysin Fletcher, PA-C. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. CoolMini to treat submental fat under the chin by Leysin Fletcher, PA-C
Combination filler treatment to enhance the facial contours by Dr. Butterwick. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Combination filler treatment to enhance the facial contours by Dr. Butterwick
Neck liposuction to remove submental fat from a male patient by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Neck Liposuction to Remove Submental Fat by Dr. Fabi
Neck liposuction to remove submental fat from a male patient by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Neck Liposuction to Remove Submental Fat by Dr. Fabi
Neck liposuction to remove submental fat from a male patient by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Neck Liposuction to Remove Submental Fat by Dr. Fabi
Microlipo and ThermiTight to slim the jawline and contour the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Microlipo and ThermiTight to Narrow the Jawline by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and microlipo for chin contouring by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microliposuction for Chin Contouring by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and microliposuction for chin contouring on a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo for Chin Contouring by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and microliposuction for chin contouring on a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo for Chin Contouring by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and microliposuction for chin contouring on a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo for Chin Contouring by Dr. Groff
ThermiRF and microlipo to remove submental fat and tighten the skin of a female patient by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiRF and Microlipo to Treat Submental Fat and Skin Laxity by Dr. Boen
ThermiRF, microlipo, and Voluma to contour the chin of a female patient by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiRF, MicroLipo, and Voluma for Fat Reduction and Chin Contouring by Dr. Boen
ThermiRF, microlipo, and Voluma to contour the chin of a female patient by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiRF, MicroLipo, and Voluma for Fat Reduction and Chin Contouring by Dr. Boen
ThermiRF, microlipo, and Voluma to contour the chin of a female patient by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiRF, MicroLipo, and Voluma for Fat Reduction and Chin Contouring by Dr. Boen
Fillers and Botox for facial contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Fillers and Botox for Facial Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Fillers and Botox for facial contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Fillers and Botox for Facial Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Fillers and Botox for facial contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Fillers and Botox for Facial Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Filler and Botox for facial contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Filler and Botox for Facial Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Voluma for jawline contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma for Jawline Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Voluma for jawline contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma for Jawline Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Voluma for jawline contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma for Jawline Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Voluma for jawline contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma for Jawline Contouring by Dr. Fabi
Voluma for jawline contouring by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Voluma for Jawline Contouring by Dr. Fabi
ThermiTight and microlipo for submental fat and to contour the jawline by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo to Treat Submental Fat by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight and microlipo to treat submental fat and contour the jawline by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo to Treat Submental Fat by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight and microlipo for jawline contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo to Treat Submental Fat by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight and microlipo to treat submental fat on a female patient by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight and Microlipo to Treat Submental Fat by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight for jawline contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight to Contour the Jawline and Neck by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight for jawline contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight to Contour the Jawline by Dr. Wu
Botox and dermal filler injections to contour the face by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Botox and Dermal Fillers to Contour the Face by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight for jawline contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. ThermiTight to Contour the Jawline by Dr. Wu
ThermiTight and micro lipo to treat submental fat under the chin of a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results can vary from patient to patient. ThermiTight and Micro Lipo to Treat Submental Fat by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and micro lipo to treat submental fat under the chin of a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results can vary from patient to patient. ThermiTight and Micro Lipo to Treat Submental Fat by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and micro liposuction to treat submental fat under the chin of a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results can vary from patient to patient. ThermiTight and Micro Lipo to Treat Submental Fat by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and micro lipo to eliminate submental fat on a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results can vary from patient to patient. ThermiTight and Micro Lipo to Eliminate Submental Fat by Dr. Groff
ThermiTight and micro lipo to eliminate submental fat in a female patient by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. ThermiTight and Micro Lipo to Remove Submental Fat by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and after 2 sessions of Kybella injections to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Butterwick. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Kybella injections to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Butterwick
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Kybella injections to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Kybella injections to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Kybella injections to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Kybella to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual unretouched patient before and after Ultherapy to tighten skin under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Ultherapy treatment to tighten skin under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual unretouched patient before and after ThermiTight to treat skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Groff
Actual unretouched patient before and after ThermiTight and micro-lipo to treat skin laxity and submental fat by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight with micro-lipo to treat submental fat and sagging skin by Dr. Groff
Actual unretouched patient before and after ThermiTight and micro-lipo to reduce submental fat and contour the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight and micro-lipo for chin contouring by Dr. Groff
Actual unretouched patient before and after ThermiRF to tighten skin under the chin by Dr. Goldman. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiRF to tighten skin under the chin by Dr. Goldman
Unretouched photos of patient before and after ThermiTight and micro-lipo to contour the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after micro lipo and ThermiTight to shape the jawline by Dr. Groff
Unretouched photos of patient before and after ThermiTight and micro-lipo to shape the chin and jawline by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight and micro lipo to shape the jaw by Dr. Groff
Actual unretouched patient before and after Thermi and Micro-Lipo for chin contouring by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Thermi and Micro-Lipo for chin contouring by Dr. Groff
Unretouched photos of patient before and after ThermiTight and micro-lipo to shape the chin and jawline by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after micro lipo and ThermiTight to the lower face by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and afterThermiTight treatment to contour the chin by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight treatment for chin contouring by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight for chin contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight for chin contouring by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Botox injections to the masseter muscles for facial slimming by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after Botox injections to the masseter muscles for facial slimming by Dr. Boen
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to tighten chin and neck skin by Dr. Boen. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight treatment for skin laxity in neck and chin by Dr. Boen
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Voluma injections to contour the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Voluma injections for chin contouring by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight for chin contouring by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight for chin contouring by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight for fullness under the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight to treat fullness under the chin by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to tighten skin under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight to tighten skin under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to treat skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight for chin contouring by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Radiesse injections to augment the chin by Dr. Goldman. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Radiesse injections to augment the chin by Dr. Goldman
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight to treat skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed Before and after ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin and neck by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight to address skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Voluma injections to augment and contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Butterwick. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Voluma injections to augment and contour the chin and jawline by Dr. Butterwick
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Juvederm Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Juvederm Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Vollure and Voluma injections to augment the cheeks and chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Botox treatment for masseter reduction by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Botox injections into the masseter muscle to slim the jawline by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Botox treatment for jawline reduction by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Botox injections to reduce the masseter muscle and slim the jawline by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Voluma and Botox treatment for chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Voluma and Botox injections to contour the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Botox treatment for masseter reduction by Dr. Butterwick. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Botox injections into the masseter muscle to slim the jawline by Dr. Butterwick
Actual un-retouched patient before and after liposculpture to treat submental fat under the chin. Results by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed. Before and after liposculpture to remove submental fat and shape the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Botox treatment for masseter reduction by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Botox injections to masseter muscle to slim the jawline by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Botox treatment for masseter reduction by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Botox injections into the masseter muscle to narrow the jawline by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Thermi treatment for skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Thermi treatment to tighten skin under the chin by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Kybella injections to treat a double chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Kybella injections to remove submental fat from under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Kybella injections to remove submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Kybella injections to remove submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after liposculpture to reduce submental fat and contour the neck by Dr. Goldman. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after liposculpture to reduce submental fat and contour the neck by Dr. Goldman
Actual un-retouched patient before and after liposculpture to reduce submental fat and contour the neck by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after liposculpture to remove submental fat and contour the neck by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and after CoolLipo treatment to reduce submental fat and contour the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after CoolLipo to treat submental fat and contour the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after CoolLipo treatment to reduce submental fat and contour the chin by Dr. Wu. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after CoolLipo to reduce submental fat and contour the chin by Dr. Wu
Actual un-retouched patient before and after ThermiTight to treat skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after ThermiTight to treat skin laxity under the chin by Dr. Groff
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Kybella injections to reduce submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Kybella injections to treat submental fat under the chin by Dr. Fabi
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Radiesse treatment for chin augmentation by Dr. Goldman. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and After Radiesse for Chin Augmentation with Dr. Goldman
Actual un-retouched patient before and after Botox injections to reduce the masseter muscle and slim the face by Dr. Groff. Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. Results are not guaranteed. Before and after Botox injections into the masseter muscle to slim the face by Dr. Groff


Best Body Contouring Treatments For Eliminating Double Chins and Excess Submental Fat
Dermatologist with 13+ Years of Experience Discusses Jawline & Neck Contouring | Dr. Sabrina Fabi
Dr. Groff Showcases How to Eliminate a "Turkey Neck" (3:24)
Dr. Butterwick Explains Botox for Chin Dimpling (1:25)
Dr. Fabi Discusses Double Chin Reduction (3:45)
Kybella for Chin Fat Removal with Dr. Groff (2:42)


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Reshape & Tighten Your Neck With ThermiSculpt
In this webinar, Dr. Groff will educate you on how the experts at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology can provide life-changing results without surgery through ThermiSculpt.

Speaker: Dr. William F. Groff
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST

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